About Wallarah Point Physical Culture Club
Wallarah Point Physie began in 2001 and proudly teaches the Bjelke-Peterson School of Physical Culture (BJP) curriculum. For more than 130 years, BJP has provided a national platform for Physie clubs to come together to engage in competitions and camaraderie. Our club is run by a team of dedicated teachers who provide classes for all ages and abilities from pre-schoolers to ladies.
With no expensive costume or recital fees, Physie is an affordable way to learn to dance and keep fit, with a touch of glamour and a lot of fun! Mothers, daughters, granddaughters, and grandmothers can all be members and share in this unique sport. Our club caters for all ages and abilities fo Physie is an experience you can share right throughout your life.
“Physie is an elegant way of developing not only fitness but also grace, strength and focus in our girls and women. At BJP, what we are most proud of is how Physie weaves its way throughout the lives of Australian families. Generations of women have discovered lifelong friendships, a true sense of community and a sport for life in Physie.” – Jackie Rawlings, BJP Physical Culture
Empowering Girls for Life
There is an aura of confidence around Physie girls of all ages. Taught to stand tall, with strength and pride, they are team players committed to achieving their goals.
Unlike some ballet and dance studios, Wallarah Point Physical culture club focuses on developing the self-esteem of its students. By teaching them to have a positive relationship with their bodies, we help students blossom with confidence and self-assurance.
BJP Physie is passionate about nurturing students’ total wellbeing, in both mind and body. Physie is an accepting and encouraging team sport, where every member is supported and motivated to be the best they can be.

Meet the Teachers at Wallarah Point Physie!

Wendy fell in love with physie as a young girl and reignited that passion competing in the ladies for most of her adult life. Wendy has seen physie grow and change over many decades of involvement in the sport and her knowledge is invaluable to our club. Wendy has nurtured many students to their personal best from zone champions to overall winning teams. Wendy finds particular interest in bringing girls along who need an extra helping hand with the development at physie and finds great satisfaction when they achieve their personal goals.

Pam has been involved with physie for most of her life, having started at age 4. She is a zone champion who has found her niche in teaching the sport she loves. Pam’s background in boxing and fitness brings a wholistic approach to the fitness and strength of her students. Pam has experienced much success as a physie teacher both individually and as a teacher of teams which she approaches with the same drive & dedication that she applies to everything she pursues. Pam has taught the ladies for many years at Wallarah Point where she has grown a loyal and successful ladies club.

Starting physie at the age of 5 ignited a love of dance in Kerryanne that would see her go on to study dance and perform competitively in many different styles including jazz, contemporary and classical as a youngster. Kerryanne is a zone champion, a national finalist and brings a wealth of performance knowledge & passion to her teaching. Kerryanne is a people person and when she is not on class you will find her making connections throughout the club and helping everyone with everything she can. She is our workhorse behind the scenes, building our club, building our reputation and building our culture.

Hannah begun her physie journey with Wallarah Point in the juniors, and became our first National Champion Girl, winning the coveted honour twice for our club. Her career as a physiotherapist benefits our dancers greatly in their strength and development training. Hannah excels in teaching senior technique & performance and is a huge asset to our teaching team. Hannah’s caring and nurturing nature has built our senior club into a strong and successful group of girls who are also great friends.

Involved in physie since the age of 6 and having taught physie for more than 60 years, Maureen is a wealth of knowledge and experience. The lifelong relationships that physie forges, along with the satisfaction of watching her students confidence grow each year is something Maureen dearly loves. She led the Central Coast zone for many many years and her many accolades as a teacher include winners at both the national and grand level. We are very lucky to have Maureen as a member of our teaching team, where her passion is for the ladies club.

Aimee started physie with Wallarah Point in our pre-school class where a passion for physie became engrained in her. She has developed into a beautiful senior performer and has repeatedly graced the stage at the Senior National Finals at the Sydney Opera House. Aimee is a passionate, warm and engaging teacher who fosters a love of physie in our youngest members here at Wallarah Point.

Joyce has been involved with physie for over 60 years & has a profound love for a sport she has had a personal hand in expanding over the years. She has built many clubs from the ground up and has assisted many others to do the same. Joyce’s fruitful career has seen her head zones, take individuals and teams to wins in championship grade and judge all ages, all sections and all levels. Joyce says “In class is where you learn to be successful or not. Work hard if you wish to compete; but if not, enjoy your lessons, your friends & your club.” Joyce is a welcome addition to our senior classes where she enjoys assisting to polish them for the national stage.

Our newest associate is a force of nature. Ebony spent her junior years focusing on self-improvement and developing all aspects of her performance. Her favourite place to be is at physie, sharing her love for this sport with others. Ebony was zone champion many times as a junior and as a Senior, has realised her dream of not only dancing on the Opera House stage in the Senior National Finals, but also placing, earning herself 2nd place in 2021 & 2022. We are very lucky to have Ebony guiding our junior members as they develop and grow into confident and strong physie girls.
more testimonials

I love physie because everyone is kind, encouraging and shows good sportsmanship. I’ve made lots of new friends and my physie teachers are really nice.

Amy & Daughter Abby
There is a real sense of community at Wallarah Point Physical Culture Club, which makes it feel like a second family. The talented teachers are patient and caring and played a major part in me falling back in love with physie in my 30’s and my daughter falling in love with it for the first time. We are proud to be members of this great club and will continue be for many more years to come.

Renee & Daughter layla
After returning to Physie after a 20+ yr break, I have not only found my passion for this sport again, but I am able to share the wonderful world of physie with my daughter, who has completely fallen in love with everything physie. The confidence she shows in all aspects of her life, I know whole heartedly, I can credit to physie, her teachers, helpers and wonderful friends she has made at Wallarah Point. I love that we are able to share this experience together as mother and daughter in a FUN, SUPPORTIVE & EMPOWERING sport!

I have been doing physie for 12 years and have made life long friendships. I love my physie family!